About Us

We are a community of believers who understand that faith is meant to be lived. We understand that following Jesus means allowing him to guide our thoughts, values, and actions. Together, we seek to live as he has taught, to love others and to serve our community and world.


At First United Methodist, we are involved in outreach to those in need, believing that “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40) We believe God’s grace is available to everyone and welcome all persons no matter what.


We’re a family of faith made up of people of all races and ethnicities, with differing affiliations and viewpoints. We’ve found that Christ can unite us in love, regardless of our differences.


To learn more about us, check out our About Us page.


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Service Times

Join Us On Sundays

8:30 am & 11:00 am Traditional

11:15 am Modern


505 W. Marvin Ave. 

Waxahachie, TX 75165


Are you passionate about music and looking for a community to share your talents with? Look no further!


At FUMC Waxahachie, we have a variety of musical groups for you to join, including the Chancel Choir, Modern Worship Band, Glory Ringers, and more. Whether you're a singer, instrumentalist, or simply love the joy of making music, there's a place for you here.


Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of our vibrant music community. Our ensembles offer a chance to grow your skills, make lasting friendships, and uplift our congregation through the power of music. We welcome musicians of all levels and backgrounds to contribute their unique gifts.


To learn more, check out our music groups page by clicking the link below.


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