A Place for All 

Capital Campaign

Our A Place for All campaign calls us to take the next step toward fulfilling the vision of making and growing disciples. We are not just trying to raise money! A Place for All is mainly about our spiritual growth as individuals, families, and a congregation. It’s about making ourselves useful for God’s purposes. Knowing our church is embarking on this effort, I invite you to commit to praying: “God, what do You want to do through me?” This website is designed to provide information about the campaign and answer all your pressing questions.  Enjoy!

- Dr. Kevin Tully, Pastor





Download the document in its entirely here.  The guide lays out our campaign priorities and costs in detail.





  1. To increase our worship space, we will finish out the second floor of Family Life Center  to include classrooms, worship space, restrooms, etc. - approximately 12,000 sq. feet.

  2. To make our building more accessibel we will add a new elevator, elevator shaft, two sets of stairs, elevator well, and sky bridge connecting the two buildings.
  3. To make our children's wing more modern and inviting we will refurbish and update teh existing second floor of the main building.
  4. To increase our gathering space we will build a new porte cochere,  and add a pergola and outdoor gathering hub.
  5. Lastly, we hope to contrinbute to debt reduction from debt accumulated as a result of previous improvement projects.

Our planned elevator will be connected to the Family Life Center and a skybridge will connect the two buildings, providing access to the second story of the main building and the Family Life Center. In this image, the elevator will be in the corner of the building marked with the cross and flame.

Pray. Engage. Respond.

“God, what do You want to do through me?”

We are asking you to do three things: Pray, Engage, and Respond



Pray this prayer: “God, what do You want to do through me?” It is only through God that we will successfully reach our goals through this campaign effort.  Please take time to pray deliberately and consider how God wants you to respond. Please accept this window cling as a reminder and thank you for your prayerful consideration.

“...built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.”

~Ephesians 2:20-22

The area between the two buildings will become a place where people from all four worship services and Sunday school classes can mingle and socialize.


We not only desire your prayers for this campaign, but we want your active participation and engagement as well throughout this process. There are multiple opportunities to engage along the way. Commit to coming to worship during this season, join a Sunday School class or bible study, or volunteer with your fellow church members.


Pray earnestly about how God wants you to give above and beyond your regular ministry in providing a sacrificial gift to help us build A Place for All. Boldly and faithfully respond to God’s call for your participation. God does not call us to an equal share, but God calls us to an equal sacrifice. Only God can lead you into what would be a sacrificial gift for you. Gifts to the A Place for All Campaign are distributed over a three-year giving period.

A Place for All will create an attractive and functional space in the upstairs of the Family Life Center to house worship services, concerts, lectures, and a multitude of other gatherings. 


Have questions? We have the answers!

We’ve done without an elevator this long. Why do we need one now?
If there was debt left over from our last improvement project, won’t there be more debt left after this one?
Won’t the outdoor gathering area be unusable in inclement and severe weather?
Can I shift my pledge to the regular, ongoing budget of the church to this campaign?
Will the elevator and improvements to the Family Life Center affect the operation of our Funday School Preschool?
When will the work begin? When will it be completed?
Will the work impact our regular, ongoing ministries? Won’t the upstairs rehab affect the classes that meet up there?
How much are we trying to raise and how long is the contribution period?