(972) 937-4400
Sunday Bulletin
Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Waxahachie! We are so excited you are visiting today!
Let us know you are here! Register as a visitor and receive a special gift on us! Your contact information will only be used by our Pastors to follow up with you and see how FUMC can help you in your journey.
Check out our "New Here" page on the website to learn more about our church!
Traditional Worship @ 8:30 and 11:00 am in Sanctuary
Modern Worship @ 11:15 am in Fidelis Hall
Dr. Kevin Tully, Senior Pastor
In this Sunday's sermon, we’ll talk about the Christian discipline of simplicity and how it can help us live with increased peace and purpose. It’s easy to get caught up in chasing after more things or trying to impress others, but Jesus teaches us that true happiness comes from focusing on what matters. Together, we’ll discover how simplifying our lives can lead us to a deeper connection with God and a clearer path to joy.
February Communionn Rail Offering
Did you know our church serves as the pick-up and drop-off place for Meals On Wheels (MOW) for Waxahachie? Every day volunteers from our community gather in our parking lot to pick up meals and deliver them to senior citizens all over our town. Several members of the church volunteer regularly to make sure home-centered senior citizens in Waxahachie have healthy meals, and a friendly face to check on them each day. Volunteers are always needed. Call or text 888-8MY-MEAL or email info@mowct.org if you feel God calling you to serve in this mission area. This month, our communion rail offering supports the work that Meals on Wheels does in our community. Please give generously by clicking the image above!
Help us support MOW with a quarterly snack drive to provide extra food for senior citizens in Waxahachie. The next MOW Snack Drive will be held Sunday, February 2nd during the Sunday School hour from 9:45-10:45 in our front parking lot. Please drop off snacks to Tina Cain, our MOW coordinator, under the patio area in front of the church. Tina will take our donations, and create snack bags for each senior. Thank you for your support.
Suggestions for snack items are: any individually wrapped snack such as peanut butter/ cheese crackers, chips or cookies, microwave soup, nuts, granola, trail mix, or breakfast bars.
YAll children are invited to join us for one of our FAVORITE annual traditions! The Annual Valentine's Breakfast for our Children's program is a great time to celebrate each other and our love for Jesus! The breakfast takes place during the Sunday school hour from 9:45 to 10:45 am.
Happening This Week
Sunday, February 2
8:30 am Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
9:45 am - 10:45 am MOW Snack Food Drive
9:45 am - 10:45 am Sunday School
11:00 am Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
11:15 am Modern Worship in Fidelis Hall
12:15 pm Wind Ensemble Rehearsal
5:15 pm Youth JHO
6:30 pm Youth HSO
Monday, February 3
2:00 pm 42 Domino Games
6:00 pm Children's Council Meeting
Tuesday, February 4
6:00 pm Bridge Club
6:00 pm Church Trustees Meeting
Wednesday, February 5
7:30 am Men's Prayer Breakfast @ Cancuns
12:00 pm Discipleship Bible Study
6:00 pm Discipleship Bible Study
6:00 pm Youth & Kids Midweek
6:00 pm Glory Ringers Rehearsal
7:00 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal
8:00 pm Modern Band Rehearsal
Friday, February 7 - 9
Youth Winter Retreat Weekend!
Sunday, February 9
8:30 am Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
9:45 am - 10:45 am Sunday School
9:45 am - Children's Valentine's Breakfast
11:00 am Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
11:15 am Modern Worship in Fidelis Hall
12:15 pm Wind Ensemble Rehearsal
Give online to avoid the hassle of filling out a check or going to the bank! Just a couple clicks and you are good to go. Click the button to give. Thank you for your contribution to our work here at FUMC!
We love you and care for you. We want to celebrate your joys and support you in your sorrows. If you have a prayer request that you would like to send to our Pastors and/or prayer team, please complete the form below. The prayer request will be delivered confidentially to one of our Pastors.