Children's Ministry

First UMC offers programs for kids who are 6 weeks old through 5th grade. Your children will be in a safe and fun environment with staff and volunteers that can't wait to share the stories of our faith with your kids.  We offer children's programming on Sunday mornings weekly on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.  Through out the school year and summer we also host Mission Days for kids, field trips, and fun annual events for families, like our annual Pumpkin Party.

Sunday Morning



Sundays, 8:15 am to 12:15 pm

Our littlest First Kids, ages 6 weeks to 3 years are welcome in our Nursery.  Parents can check in their kids with our Nursery staff before attending any of our worship services or Sunday School classes.  The Nursery is located in Rm. 107 across from the church office.

Children's Church

Sundays, 11:15 am

If your kids are age 4 through 2nd grade, they will begin worship with their families. All kids are then dismissed to follow Children's Ministry staff to Children's Church for the rest of service where they will have a blast worshiping their own way! You can pick up your child after the service in the Gathering room of the Family Life Center.  Our greeters and ushers will be waiting to help you find your way.

On the 1st Sunday of the month children stay with their families in worship for communion Sunday.

Sunday School

Sundays, 9:45 am to 10:45 am

Children ages 3 (must be potty-trained) to 5th grade are invited each Sunday to particpate in our Sunday school classes.  Younger children can spend Sunday School in the Nursery.  Classes are divided by age groups and led by Church volunteers and staff.  Parents will drop off and pick up children at their classrooms.


3-4 year olds meet in Room 207

K- 5th Grade meet in the Gathering Room (Family Life Center)

Midweek Activities



6:00 - 7:30 pm Wednesday, Family Life Center

Midweek is a time of fun, friendship, and faith.  each will kids ages 3 (potty-trained) to 5th grade join together to share a meal, play together, and learn about the Bible.  We meet most Wednesdays during the school year.  Dinner is provided


Drop off is at the back side of the main building at the Family Life Center.


Special Events

Pumpkin Party

Our annual Pumpkin Party is a community-wide event.  We invite everyone to get in the pumpkin spice spirit for an evening of pumpkin-themed games, crafts, and trunk or treat.  The event occurs every year on the Wednesday before Halloween.

Summer Fun

We keep the fun going all year long!  Summer is a time for adventures together.  Each summer our Children's ministry program hosts field trips, family nights, and other fun events to keep up with our Church friends all summer long!

Vacation Bible School

Each year, First Kids hosts a Vacation Bible School for our church kids and the community.   Our VBS is organized around small group learning. Each day kids have time in their own classrooms, learning about God, and building relationships with our awesome volunteers and kids their age. We have an original theme and program every year!