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This Sunday
Dr. Kevin Tully
Are you in a place of satisfaction and peace?
This Sunday, we will hear Dr. Tully talk about how some strive and work to be where they have satisfaction and peace. Then, you will listen to how some never try to reach this point. He has several books as references that can be read that tell a lot about how faith can help a lot in getting to these places.
Genesis 1:26-31 (CEV)
Do you have faith in your relationship with the Lord?
This Sunday, Dr. Tully will discuss how a few Children's books can teach you a few life lessons. It is always good to be in a place of Satisfaction and Peace. Dr. Tully will explain this Sunday that faith can help you get there. Come listen to the great sermon " A Children's Book, But Not A Fairy Tale" and learn how to develop satisfaction and peace in your life.
Genesis 1:26-31 (CEV)
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Is your world in hardship and turmoil?
This Sunday, we are going to hear Rev. Jerry Krueger talk about the trials, hardships, and turmoils in people's lives and how to overcome them. The theme is appropriate for this time of year in the recently completed election cycle.
Amid sometimes overwhelming parts of our lives, even in hardship, confusion, turmoil, distress, fractured relationships, and fear, our foundational faith life provides for each of us who choose to follow Christ, Something Better Beneath all that may swirl around us. The message is one of hope.
Join us as we consider what life with hope looks like and listen to Rev. Jerry Krueger preach "Something Better Beneath"
There is something that feels dishonest about preaching a passage about how everything is going right in life like Psalm 16. To many people have experiences that give them good reasons to not feel so positive. So, what do we do with passages like Psalm 16 when things are not okay? Perhaps this passage can serve as a reminder of God's character. God is not abusive. God means us no harm. We ought to look for God in the places where we find refuge from the harm and abuse that is often dealt to us.
What does giving “your two cents worth” mean in a world that seems to value wealth and power over sincerity and sacrifice?
In this Sunday’s sermon, we’ll explore the striking contrast Jesus makes between the wealthy scribes and the humble widow in Mark 12:38-44. While the scribes parade their wealth, a poor widow quietly offers all she has: two small coins. Could it be that in her simple, wholehearted gift, we find a deeper call for our own lives?
Join us as we honor Veterans and consider what real generosity and sacrifice look like in the eyes of Jesus with Rev. Val Stewart's sermon, "My Two Cents Worth."
Something for nothing sounds too good to be true. That’s because it usually is. But when we really commit to something, we can be richly rewarded for the experience. And faith without commitment may be nothing at all.
This Sunday in the Modern Worship service, our lay speaker, Patrick Wilson, will explore the issue of faith and commitment in his sermon, “Something for Nothing.”
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where just knowing the right person made all the difference?
This Sunday, on All Saints Day, we’ll explore what it means to be able to say, “I’m With Him.” As we reflect on Hebrews 10:19-25, Dr. Kevin Tully will lead us through the power of Christ as our High Priest—the One who grants us courage, connection, and confidence to draw near to God. Together, let’s celebrate the saints who have gone before us and renew our hope in the One who promises to be with us always.
Join us this Sunday for Dr. Kevin Tully's sermon, "I'm With Him."
Our Pastor
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