This Sunday

Traditional Worship @ 8:30 and 11:00 am in Sanctuary
Modern Worship @ 11:15 am in Fidelis Hall
Dr. Kevin Tully, Senior Pastor


This Sunday, we're diving into the important spiritual discipline of guidance. As Christians, faith isn’t just about believing—it's about following Jesus and living out His teachings. But how do we know we're on the right path? One way is by seeking guidance from others, especially within the church community, where we learn and grow together. Join us as we explore how God's guidance often comes through the people around us, helping us stay true to His call for our lives.


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Have you ever felt like life is just too busy to stop and listen to God? Jesus, even with all the crowds and demands, took time to be alone and pray. In this sermon, we’ll explore how the practices of solitude and meditation can bring us clarity, strength, and peace. They aren’t weird or difficult—they’re simple ways to make space for God’s voice. If Jesus needed quiet time with God, maybe we do too!

This Sunday, we're diving into the important spiritual discipline of guidance. As Christians, faith isn’t just about believing—it's about following Jesus and living out His teachings. But how do we know we're on the right path? One way is by seeking guidance from others, especially within the church community, where we learn and grow together. Join us as we explore how God's guidance often comes through the people around us, helping us stay true to His call for our lives.

In this Sunday's sermon, we’ll talk about the Christian discipline of simplicity and how it can help us live with increased peace and purpose. It’s easy to get caught up in chasing after more things or trying to impress others, but Jesus teaches us that true happiness comes from focusing on what matters. Together, we’ll discover how simplifying our lives can lead us to a deeper connection with God and a clearer path to joy.

On Sunday, we’ll explore the practice of fasting—a discipline that might feel as strange or impossible as giving up your smartphone for a day. While the Bible doesn’t command us to fast, it shows how powerful fasting can be in deepening our relationship with God. Just like working out strengthens our muscles, fasting can strengthen our spiritual life, helping us resist temptation and grow in dependence on God. We’ll look at how fasting helps us step back from what controls us, whether food, screens, or habits, and how it can lead to real transformation. Join us as we learn how fasting opens our hearts to God's strength and guidance.

This Sunday, we’re diving into the mystery of prayer. Prayer is something everyone can grow in, no matter how long we've been following Jesus. Jesus taught us to pray, and through prayer, we come closer to God, listen for His voice, and grow more like Him. We’ll also see that prayer isn’t just talking—it’s communion with God. So, come ready to explore how you can benefit from this powerful practice in your daily life.

Traditional Worship @ 8:30 and 11:00 am in Sanctuary
Modern Worship @ 11:15 am in Fidelis Hall
Dr. Kevin Tully, Senior Pastor

Have you ever felt like carrying a heavy secret was making you tired and sad? This week, we’ll talk about confession—how telling the truth to God helps us feel free and forgiven. We’ll learn from a Bible story where someone’s strength came back after they stopped hiding their mistakes. Plus, we’ll explore how admitting our wrongs can help us heal and love others better. Join us to discover how confession can change your heart and your life!

Our Pastor

Hey there! Thank you for stopping by our website. If you are searching for a good church, we know we are the place for you. Feel free to check out the "New Here" page linked below where you can find the answers to all your questions. If you have never been to our church before, come by this Sunday! We would love to get to know you. We want to see lives changed here by the power of Jesus Christ, and we see that happen every week when someone steps through our doors. We look forward to meeting you! God bless.