Dr. Kevin Tully

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Traditional, Dr. Kevin Tully, Senior Pastor

In a time of division and uncertainty, the prophet Isaiah delivered a powerful message of hope, reminding us that true salvation doesn’t come from earthly powers but from trusting in God’s promises. As we light the pink candle of Advent, symbolizing joy, we are invited to reflect on where we place our trust and how God’s love calls us home. Come experience the joy of Christmas with us this Sunday!

Traditional, Dr. Kevin Tully, Senior Pastor

The second week of Advent is centered on the theme of peace. This theme is based on Isaiah 9:6, which refers to Jesus as the "Prince of Peace." It is a time to reflect on the peace Jesus brings to the world and the reconciliation he offers between humanity and God. Dr. Tully will preach on Peace this Sunday and how it helps us all.


What words would you choose from the Bible that you find interesting?

Wouldn’t it be interesting to have a conversation around a table and ask your friends to list the one or two most important words in their life; the ones that have shaped them, that direct them? I can imagine people saying things like family, or
discipline, or effort, or love, or compassion, or kindness. Those are all good words to live by. This morning, I’d like to invite you to consider a word that I think we all ought to treasure and live by. The word is hope. Come listen to Dr. Tully talk about the word Hope and how it can change all our lives.


Are you in a place of satisfaction and peace?
This Sunday, we will hear Dr. Tully talk about how some strive and work to be where they have satisfaction and peace. Then, you will listen to how some never try to reach this point. He has several books as references that can be read that tell a lot about how faith can help a lot in getting to these places.
Genesis 1:26-31 (CEV)...

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where just knowing the right person made all the difference?
This Sunday, on All Saints Day, we’ll explore what it means to be able to say, “I’m With Him.” As we reflect on Hebrews 10:19-25, Dr. Kevin Tully will lead us through the power of Christ as our High Priest—the One who grants us courage, connection, and confidence to draw near to God. Together, let’s celebrate the saints who have gone before us and renew our hope in the One who promises to be with us always.

Join us this Sunday for Dr. Kevin Tully's sermon, "I'm With Him."