Patrick Wilson

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Modern Worship

Patrick Wilson, Lay Speaker

We live in a highly developed world, dominated by the trappings of an advanced society. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by our possessions and our obligations. As we try to please everyone around us, the pressures of the Christmas season can make it even worse. How do we reconnect with the true spirit of Christianity? Our resident lay speaker, Patrick Wilson, will explore that question in this week’s sermon, “Enchanted.”

Something for nothing sounds too good to be true. That’s because it usually is. But when we really commit to something, we can be richly rewarded for the experience. And faith without commitment may be nothing at all.  

This Sunday in the Modern Worship service, our lay speaker, Patrick Wilson, will explore the issue of faith and commitment in his sermon, “Something for Nothing.” 

Why is it so difficult to do right by others? 
The Golden Rule is one of the shortest and most straightforward lessons taught by Jesus. But the simplicity of Jesus’ message conceals a remarkably difficult task, because it’s a lesson that we struggle with perhaps more than any other. Why is that?

This week in Modern Worship, our lay speaker, Patrick Wilson, will explore that question as he continues our summer series on the Sermon on the Mount with, “The Easy Path That’s So Hard.”

The rewards of our personal connection with God are invaluable. In our look-at-me-now world, it’s easy to forget the need for modesty in our prayer lives. This week’s message from our lay speaker, Patrick Wilson, will explore the meaning of Jesus’ lesson for us to pray behind closed doors.

Join us this Sunday as we continue our summer series on the Sermon on the Mount with Patrick Wilson's sermon, "Followers and Likes and Shares, Oh My!"

When all of our needs are so easily met, why do we still have so many wants?
We live in a time and place of fantastic abundance. This week, our resident lay speaker, Patrick Wilson, will tackle that question in his sermon, “First World Problems.”

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